Orvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, ca

Orvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, caOrvis/Layous Wedding bear valley, ca

When Sierra Orvis asked me to photographer her wedding at Bear Valley, CA, I pretty much made the noise, hoorah! You know like what you hear from the military guys.  Anyway, after really thinking about it, I honestly was a little skeptical; You know, since her destination wedding was 6 hours north/east from the Central Coast and at a place I have never heard before.  Boy I am so glad I made the trek out to Bear Valley.  How amazingly beautiful this place is.  Come to find out that Sierra’s family (Orvis), basically built the town and the wedding location was on the most beautiful property I have seen, I just fell in love with the area.  I could only imagine how amazing this place would be during the winter.

Ok about Sierra Orvis and John Layous.  Really people!  If you are looking for a love story or even looking for a couple who are truly, madly in love with each other, look no further.  The positive comments, laughter, smiles from everyone from this wedding day were breath taking.  I honestly, came down with a horrible flu bug the night before and was as weak as a dying cat. But just being around these wonderful people, I just couldn’t help, but laugh and smile the whole time.

Thank you to the Orvis family and the Layous family for your hospitality.


Bear Valley Wedding Photography