love this kiss

Pismo Beachdressbridal flowersbride and girlsbride getting readybride and groom Edwards BarnFirst Kissbride and groom walkfeetmiddle of the roadfunkissfirst dance as husband and wifebride on the phonebeautiful weddingwedding ringslove this kissbride and groom wedbridal photos

Nicole Casano and Zack Mena had wed last Saturday at Edwards barn located in Nipomo, CA.  Let me say Wowwy-Wow-WOW.  This wedding blew my socks off…with Laughter.  I had so much fun hanging out with both families.  It seamed like everyone already knew each other, which resulted in a huge and fun wedding party.  Nicole is so amazing.  I think my favorit quote that came out of her mouth was, “Everyone always says that I am going to be such a cute little bride… NO, I want to be a Sexy little bride!”  I just couldn’t get enough of her fun personality.  After meeting Zack, who could totally tell people he is a model, because he gets down;  I then, totally understood how they are perfect for each other.

Thank You Zack and Nicole.  You both are Awesome!

Edwards Barn, Nipomo, CA


Edwards Barn Weddings