Year: 2024

The Loughran Family – Oceano Dunes, CA

The Loughran family has literally been my most favorite family for a long time. To see these kids grow up so much is killing me as with growth means we as adults are getting older and older. But of course the beauty is to see the personalities of them florish and become their own people. … continue reading

Madonna Inn Wedding

The Fritze Wedding – Madonna Inn – San Luis Obispo, CA

This time of year the weather is so unpredictable. But the clouds opened up at the perfect times for a wedding celebration at the Madonna Inn. This is a first for me as I have photographed wedding and portrait sessions at Madonna Inn, but never in their garden. What a magical place to have a … continue reading

Nipomo Maternity

Julia & Chris – Maternity Portraits – Nipomo, CA

What a beautiful day it was in Nipomo for this Maternity photoshoot located in the Nipomo foothills. After rescheduling two separate time due to the rain we finally met up for this clear day. Julia and I go way back, as I photographed her senior photos at Nipomo High School. I also had the honor … continue reading